Počutite se svobodne, začutite vse
Ste dvokolesni ljubitelj potovanj, ki iščete popolno kombinacijo svobode in avanture?
Hertz Ride, izposoja motorjev in izleti, ponuja širok izbor motorjev na Portugalskem, v Španiji, Franciji, Italiji, Avstriji, Sloveniji in Južni Afriki.
Izberite motor, podajte se na avanturo in uživajte v svobodi vožnje z motorjem.
Začetno Plačilo 20%
Širok izbor motociklov
Enosmerni najem
Počutite se svobodne, začutite vse
How it Works?
Renting a Motorcycle is very simple! Confirm below.
Find a motorcycle
Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.
Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).
Book a motorcycle
Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.
Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).
Pick up the motorcycle
Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.
Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).
Ride the world
Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.
Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).
Return the motorcycle
Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.
Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).
Start thinking about the next ride!