Najem motornega kolesa Naši ogledi

Prvi korak na poti



Datum prevzema/Ura

Datum vračila/Ura

*See specific rental conditions for the Salzburg Airport location

Minimum of 7 days rental.

For 7 or more days:

- Minimum rental of 5 motorcyles .

For 10 or more days:

- Minimum rental of 4 motorcyles .

For 14 or more days:

- Minimum rental of 3 motorcyles .

More information tukaj

Počutite se svobodne, začutite vse

Hertz Ride - Izposoja motornih koles

Hertz Ride ponuja nove modele motornih koles na Portugalskem, v Španiji, Franciji, Italiji, Avstriji, Sloveniji, Južna Afrika in ZDA. Motorno kolo lahko prevzamete v eni od naših lokacij in ga predate v drugi.


Izberite motorno kolo in uživajte v svobodi vožnje z motornim kolesom.

Začetno Plačilo 20%

Nov model motornega kolesa

+ 20 poslovalnic po vsem svetu

Počutite se svobodne, začutite vse

How it Works?

Renting a Motorcycle is very simple! Confirm below.

Find a motorcycle

Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.

Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).

Book a motorcycle

Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.

Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).

Pick up the motorcycle

Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.

Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).

Ride the world

Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.

Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).

Return the motorcycle

Enter your driver's license number and fill the fields needed for the reservation.

Book the motorcycle just by making the initial payment (25%).

Start thinking about the next ride!


Motocikel je bil pripravljen pravočasno in Lucia je bila tako v pomoč. Na letališče so nas odpeljali brezplačno. Bilo je užitek! ! ! Hvala Hertz!

Magali T

Hertz Ride Network

+ več kot 30 ljudem, ki so vam na voljo po vsem svetu

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