Najem motornega kolesa Naši ogledi

Night tour in Rome - Italy

  • 1 Dni

    0 Noči

  • Distance


  • Raven


  • Samovodena tura


  • Razpoložljivost

All roads lead to Rome.

Millions of people every year can visit it.

Only a few can do it by night on our bikes.

A three-hour tour to fully enjoy the eternal city in its moment of maximum splendor. When the sun disappears along with the traffic and the city slows down, at that moment it creates a unique atmosphere that will allow us to appreciate the beauties of Rome from a new point of view.

Eight stops with different scenarios, a new way of seeing the history of the city and its contradictions.

You can’t miss a break to enjoy the most famous Roman croissant.

1 day of rental + 3 hours of Tour:                                     3 hours of Tour:

F 750 GS - 139€                                                                      F 750 GS - 79€

R 1250 GS - 149€                                                                    R 1250 GS - 89€

R 1250 RT - 159€                                                                     R 1250 RT -  99€

HR Adventure Tours
Aventura Motorcycle Tours ponuja vrhunske motoristične ture po Evropi in Združenih državah Amerike, ki jih načrtujejo in vodijo naši strokovni vodniki. Aventura Motorcycle Tours se v celoti posveča ljubiteljem motociklov in zagotavlja visoko kakovost.


  • GPS

  • Road book


  • * Please add motorcycle rental price. See supplements.

All Tours


Samostojni vodeni ogledi

All roads lead to Rome.

Millions of people every year can visit it.

Only a few can do it by night on our bikes.

A three-hour tour to fully enjoy the eternal city in its moment of maximum splendor. When the sun disappears along with the traffic and the city slows down, at that moment it creates a unique atmosphere that will allow us to appreciate the beauties of Rome from a new point of view.

Eight stops with different scenarios, a new way of seeing the history of the city and its contradictions.

You can’t miss a break to enjoy the most famous Roman croissant.

1 day of rental + 3 hours of Tour:                                     3 hours of Tour:

F 750 GS - 139€                                                                      F 750 GS - 79€

R 1250 GS - 149€                                                                    R 1250 GS - 89€

R 1250 RT - 159€                                                                     R 1250 RT -  99€

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Night tour in Rome

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