Alugar uma Moto Os nossos Tours

The tour of a lifetime starts here





HR RIDE PORTUGAL, S.A., com sede em Avenida Severiano Falcão, 7/7A, 2689-522 Prior Velho, registada na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Loures com o número 515184144 (doravante designada como Locadora) aluga o veículo identificado (motociclo) identificado no contrato de aluguer e nos seguintes termos e condições.

Este documento inclui todos os termos e condições do contrato de aluguer celebrado entre a Locadora e o Locatário, sendo que deve ser lido atentamente. Se o Locatário não compreender alguma das provisões contidas no presente documento, deve solicitar a clarificação correspondente ao representante da Locadora. Pela assinatura deste documento, o Locatário declara que não requereu esclarecimentos que não lhe hajam sido prestados.


  1. Carta de Condução: Tanto o locatário como qualquer condutor adicional têm de fornecer uma carta de condução válida em seu nome para a classe de motociclo alugado (incluindo qualquer outra autenticação necessária) emitida há mais de três anos. Se a sua carta de condução não tiver sido emitida na Europa, deve também levar a sua licença de condução internacional. Os condutores devem ter pelo menos 21 anos para a Honda PCX125 e para a BMW G310GS, 25 anos para todos os grupos com menos de 801cc e 28 anos para os restantes grupos Estas condições podem mudar de acordo com o motociclo identificado.
  2. Identificação: É exigido um passaporte ou cartão de identificação pessoal.
  3. Cartão de Crédito: O locatário tem de possuir um cartão de crédito (VISA ou MASTERCARD) em seu nome no momento do levantamento do motociclo (American Express, Diners, cartão de crédito pré-pago, cartão de débito ou cartão cash não serão aceites). No momento do aluguer, irá ser solicitada uma autorização (bloqueio) no seu cartão de crédito para os encargos de aluguer estimados, bem como um depósito/garantia para a Franquia (NWE). O cartão tem de possuir fundos disponíveis suficientes para suprir os encargos durante o tempo de duração do aluguer. A Locadora irá também cobrar ao cartão de crédito todos os encargos adicionais, taxas locais, equipamento opcional que alugue ou qualquer outro extra que adquira ao balcão no momento do aluguer.
  4. Confirmação de Reserva: O locatário deve apresentar esta Confirmação de Reserva quando levantar o motociclo. Consulte os Termos e Condições para mais informações.
  5. Assistência em Viagem: O Locatário tem disponível assistência em viagem 24h no país de origem. Por favor, solicite mais detalhes ao balcão.
  6. Informação de Pagamento: A reserva do motociclo requer o pagamento pelo Locatário de uma quantia monetária como depósito de reserva correspondente a 20% do aluguer. A Locadora reserva-se o direito de tornar a disponibilidade do motociclo condicional à demonstração efetiva pelo Locatário do pagamento do depósito de reserva. O aluguer deve ser realizado dentro de um máximo de 12 meses a partir da data da reserva. Ter em atenção que a “quantia total a pagar no levantamento” será cobrada na moeda local. Qualquer outra moeda destina-se apenas a fins informativos.
  7. Prolongamentos, Modificações, Cancelamentos e Não-Comparências: Se o Locatário pretender prolongar ou modificar o seu aluguer após a data e hora de levantamento especificadas na Confirmação de Reserva, deve contactar diretamente a Hertz Ride para quer tenha realmente levantado o motociclo ou não. O prolongamento ou modificação do seu aluguer antes do mesmo ter início (ou seja, antes da data e hora de levantamento especificadas na Confirmação de Reserva) só poderá ser realizado após enviar um e-mail à Hertz Ride para ( Ter em atenção que modificar a sua reserva poderá resultar na alteração da tarifa de aluguer ou em encargos adicionais ou mais elevados com base nas alterações da duração do aluguer ou do tipo de motociclo alugado. Se a hora de levantamento agendada está a menos de 48 horas e pretende modificar a sua reserva, por favor, ligue-nos para (+351 210 413 334). Se o preço de aluguer alterar devido a modificações (p. ex., localização do levantamento ou da entrega, grupo de motociclo ou duração do aluguer), será cobrado ao preço publicado em vigor, o qual poderá ser diferente ou mais elevado do que o preço inicial reservado. Além disso, se a reserva original estava feita com uma tarifa promocional ou de desconto, já não poderá beneficiar dessa tarifa e a reserva modificada poderá ter uma tarifa substancialmente mais elevada. Não irá receber crédito ou reembolso se devolver o motociclo alugado antes da data e hora de entrega agendadas.
  1. Modificações: Modificações às reservas apenas podem ser feitas por e-mail para o nosso Centro de Reservas através de email para Os encargos totais estimados serão recalculados com base na disponibilidade e preços em vigor na altura em que a modificação foi realizada. Os encargos totais podem ser maiores ou menores do que o preço originalmente reservado. Esta política aplica-se a mudanças feitas à: local de levantamento/devolução, data e hora do levantamento, data e hora da entrega, grupo de motociclo e todos os outros produtos adicionais.
  2. Cancelamentos: Se deseja cancelar a sua reserva, deve informar a Hertz Ride por escrito para antes do início do seu aluguer - podem ser aplicadas taxas de cancelamento. O pagamento efetuado na altura da reserva é reembolsável apenas se a reserva for cancelada com pelo menos 30 dias da data de levantamento agendada.
  3. Não-Comparências: A Hertz Ride reserva-se o direito de recusar o motociclo a qualquer Locatário que não chegue a tempo (incluindo o “período de tolerância” de 30 minutos), não forneça toda a documentação e/ou informação necessária, não apresente cartão de crédito com fundos disponíveis suficientes para o depósito; ou se o condutor mostrar sinais de estar sob a influência de álcool, drogas ou qualquer outra substância que afete a sua perceção ou reações ou que pareça incapaz de utilizar o motociclo. Nestes casos, a menos que o aluguer tenha sido cancelado antecipadamente, o locatário será considerado como sendo “não-comparência” e não terá direito a reembolso. Os preços baseiam-se nas datas e horas de levantamento e de entrega que o Locatário marcou antes do aluguer ter início. Se o Locatário levantar o motociclo mais tarde ou devolver o motociclo mais cedo, não irá receber qualquer reembolso pelas horas ou dias não utilizados.
  1. Extras: Todos os extras adicionais, equipamento opcional e serviços, incluindo GPS, capacetes, sistemas de comunicação e assentos baixos estão sujeitos à disponibilidade local e a disponibilidade não pode ser garantida. (Ex.: GPS, capacetes, sistema de intercomunicação e assentos baixos). Todo o equipamento opcional extra é fornecido “tal como está” e o Locatário é responsável por garantir que compreende como usar e/ou instalar qualquer equipamento opcional.
  2.  Cobertura de Danos Especial Opcional: Ao balcão, o Locatário pode optar por acrescentar uma cobertura adicional relativamente à responsabilidade por danos. Por favor, pergunte ao representante que o está a assistir no local sobre as condições para adicionar estas coberturas.


  1. Este contrato é um contrato para o aluguer de um motociclo. Não pode transferir ou ceder os seus direitos neste contrato ou o seu direito de utilizar o motociclo.
  2. O Locatário compreende que a Locadora não é um afiliado, agente ou franchise da The Hertz Corporation (ou de qualquer dos seus afiliados) (coletivamente “Hertz”). A Locadora é uma empresa detida e gerida de forma independente com uma licença limitada da Hertz para utilizar o nome “Hertz Ride” ligado à atividade de aluguer de motociclos. O Locatário também compreende e concorda que a Hertz não é uma parte neste Contrato e que não tem quaisquer obrigações para com ele. O Locatário concorda também em não fazer quaisquer solicitações ou prosseguir com qualquer reclamação contra a Hertz.
  3. O Locatário compreende que, os Fabricantes de Equipamento Original (FEO) não estão diretamente envolvidos nem são responsáveis pela organização e gestão dos alugueres, pelo que não deverá haver nenhum mal-entendido ao mencionar a expressão "Parceiro de Aluguer FEO" ou o Parceiro de Aluguer oficial de um FEO específico.



O Locatário reconhece ter recebido o motociclo em bom estado de funcionamento e de limpeza, incluindo ambos os pneus, e concorda em devolvê-lo na mesma condição (com as chaves, equipamento, ferramentas e/ou acessórios) no local e na data especificados no contrato de aluguer.

O Locatário está proibido de modificar quaisquer características técnicas do motociclo ou as suas chaves, equipamento, pneus, ferramentas e/ou acessórios ou de realizar qualquer mudança estética no motociclo, incluindo aplicação de autocolantes, vinis ou suportes de câmara sem a respetiva remoção. Se o Locatário violar esta disposição, será responsável por todos os encargos incorridos pela Locadora para retornar o motociclo ao seu estado original, bem como pelos prejuízos sofridos pela paragem do motociclo enquanto este está a ser reparado.

Caso o motociclo seja utilizado em violação das disposições do Contrato, a Locadora poderá, em qualquer momento e sem necessidade de aviso prévio, resolver o Contrato e retomar a posse do veículo, a expensas do Locatário.

Se o motociclo não for devolvido 48 horas após a data e hora de devolução estipuladas no contrato de aluguer, será comunicado à polícia o seu desaparecimento.



O período de aluguer mínimo é de um dia. Um “dia” é um período de 24 horas a começar na data e hora marcadas no contrato de aluguer. Se o Locatário devolver o motociclo mais de 29 minutos após o tempo de devolução agendado, a Locadora reserva-se o direito de cobrar um dia de aluguer adicional à tarifa diária aplicável, tal como indicado no Preçário. Se o Locatário pretender prolongar o período de aluguer agendado, deve solicitar por escrito à Locadora a autorização expressa e pagar os encargos adicionais estimados antes da hora de devolução agendada. Em nenhuma circunstância pode o depósito ser usado como forma de pagamento em caso de extensão do contrato de aluguer.



A tarifa de aluguer diário, bem como a quantia do depósito são determinadas pelo Preçário em vigor quando o Locatário assina o presente Contrato. O método de pagamento padrão é cartão de crédito ou de débito. O Locatário procede ao pagamento total do aluguer no momento da assinatura do presente Contrato. O Locatário permite que a Locadora bloqueie no seu cartão de crédito no momento do aluguer o valor da caução (ver Preçário ao balcão), além dos encargos totais estimados. A Locadora poderá utilizar o valor bloqueado para pagar todos os encargos. A Locadora autoriza o desbloqueio do valor no   final do seu aluguer se não for necessário pagar encargos adicionais. As regras do emissor do cartão de pagamento do Locatário serão aplicadas para creditar na sua conta qualquer valor, o qual poderá não ser imediatamente disponibilizado pelo seu emissor de cartão.



Todos os encargos referidos neste Contrato são calculados em conformidade com o Preçário vigente da Locadora e com base na utilização do motociclo por parte do Locatário. O Locatário concorda em pagar a pedido da Locadora ou, sendo o caso, a reembolsá-la, as seguintes importâncias:

  1. Tarifa de aluguer diária para o período de aluguer, incluindo um suplemento adicional de quilometragem se exceder a quilometragem diária indicada na página de rosto do contrato de aluguer;
  2. Tarifa de quilometragem, se o odómetro for adulterado ou desligado;
  3. Suplementos para produtos, equipamentos e serviços opcionais que tenha adquirido;
  4. Combustível e um suplemento de reabastecimento se devolver o motociclo com menos combustível do que tinha quando foi alugado;
  5. Despesas incorridas pela Locadora para localizar e recuperar o motociclo se o Locatário não o devolver ou se a Locadora se reapoderar do motociclo nos termos do presente Contrato;
  6. Todos os encargos incorridos pela Locadora ao aplicar ou defender os seus direitos ao abrigo deste Contrato;
  7. Um suplemento de limpeza conforme indicado no Preçário para limpar o motociclo se for devolvido substancialmente mais sujo do que quando foi alugado ou se forem aplicados autocolantes, vinis ou suportes de câmara sem a respetiva remoção;
  8. Um suplemento de chave perdida se o Locatário perder as chaves do motociclo;
  9. Outros suplementos se devolver o motociclo numa localização diferente da localização onde foi alugado;
  10. Reboque e todos os outros encargos incorridos pela Locadora decorrentes da utilização indevida do motociclo pelo Locatário;
  11. Custo de substituição de partes danificadas ou perdidas e materiais utilizados nos acessórios ou equipamento opcional do motociclo, tais como capacetes, sistemas de intercomunicação, assentos baixos ou sistemas de navegação;
  12. Os custos de emissão da documentação do veículo, no caso do extravio ou perda dos mesmos.

Todas as reclamações ou objeções no respeitante a encargos acima referidos deverão ser comunicadas à Locadora, no prazo máximo de 30 dias após a receção das faturas, período após o qual as mesmas não serão consideradas como aceites.

O Locatário autoriza que os encargos do aluguer, e quaisquer outros que direta ou indiretamente estejam relacionados com o aluguer do veículo, mesmo após a sua devolução e em conformidade com o Contrato, sejam debitados na conta do cartão de crédito ou em outra conta indicada para o efeito.


  1. Em caso de perda, dano, furto ou roubo do motociclo, ou de partes do mesmo, ocorridos durante o período de aluguer, o Locatário pagará à Locadora, a pedido desta e a título de custos e perdas, incluindo, sem limitação, os custos de reparação, depreciação, perda de receitas de locação, despesas de reboque e de recolha do veículo a   quantia estabelecida no nosso atual tarifário como franquia máxima (ver Preçário ao balcão) se superior, o montante dos custos, perdas e danos efetivamente incorridos;
  2. A responsabilidade do Locatário pode ser limitada, nos termos abaixo referidos. Fica em todo o caso estabelecido que essa limitação de responsabilidade é expressamente excluída (i) em caso de violação pelo Locatário ou por qualquer condutor autorizado, com dolo ou negligência grave, dos termos deste contrato; (ii) caso os danos resultem, em qualquer caso, do comportamento de condutor não autorizado; (iii) em caso de condução perigosa do veículo ou de condução do veículo em violação de quaisquer regras aplicáveis e, em particular, em caso de incumprimento do Código da Estrada, nomeadamente quando os danos resultem de negligência do Locatário, excesso de velocidade ou condução sob o efeito de álcool ou narcóticos.
  3. Está incluído na tarifa de aluguer diário a Opção de Cobertura para Danos de Colisão (doravante CDW) e a Opção de Proteção contra Furto (doravante TP). No CDW a responsabilidade por perda ou danos do motociclo é igual a 30% do valor do motociclo. No TP a responsabilidade por furto ou roubo é limitada ao valor da caução solicitada ao Locatário no início do contrato de aluguer.
  4. O Locatário pode adquirir a Super Redução de Franquia (doravante SCDW) ou o serviço de Super Redução de Franquia VIP (doravante SCDW VIP). Se o Locatário adquirir o SCDW reduz a responsabilidade por perda ou danos do motociclo até ao máximo de 50% do valor da caução solicitada ao Locatário no início do contrato de aluguer (ver Preçário ao balcão). Se o Locatário adquirir o SCDW VIP reduz a responsabilidade por perda ou danos do motociclo até ao máximo de 75% do valor da caução solicitada ao Locatário no início do contrato e aluguer (ver Preçário ao balcão).

O CDW, o SCDW e o SCDW VIP não se aplicam ao equipamento opcional que alugamos para uso no motociclo. O CDW, o SCDW e o SCDW VIP também não abrangem chaves perdidas.



A Locadora não será responsável por qualquer perda ou dano sofrido pelo locatário, exceto em caso de negligência grave, dolo ou, no caso de morte ou lesão corporal, caso a responsabilidade não possa ser legalmente excluída.



Só são permitidos condutores que reúnam os seguintes requisitos:

  1. uma carta de condução válida há pelo menos 3 anos no país de residência permanente que qualifique a pessoa a utilizar um motociclo da mesma categoria do que o motociclo alugado;
  2. idade mínima, com e sem Suplemento Condutor Jovem (YDS) de acordo com a tabela seguinte:
Cilindrada Idade mínima Idade mínima (YDS)
< 500cc 21 anos Não aplicável
501cc a 800 cc 25 anos 21 anos  
> 801cc 28 anos 25 anos



O Locatário deverá cuidar do motociclo, assegurando-se que o guiador se encontra trancado e bloqueado e esteja parado em local seguro quando não esteja a ser utilizado, aplicar o combustível adequado, bem como ligar e usar os dispositivos de segurança montados no veículo.

O locatário não deverá utilizar ou permitir a utilização do veículo nas seguintes circunstâncias:

  1. Transporte de passageiros ou carga a título oneroso;
  2. Impulsionar ou rebocar outro motociclo ou qualquer outro objeto;
  3. Transportar carga com qualquer propósito ilegal;
  4. Transportar mais do que o número máximo de passageiros especificado pelo fabricante ou pela lei aplicável, ou transportar passageiros que estão a andar noutra posição que não no assento concebido para a utilização dos passageiros;
  5. Transportar carga excessiva em relação ao peso/quantidade/volume especificados pelo fabricante;
  6. Transportar materiais corrosivos ou perigosos;
  7. Em estradas não pavimentadas;
  8. Participar em qualquer corrida, rally, prova ou outro tipo de competição, bem como participar em qualquer tipo de “track days”;
  9. Para transportar um animal;
  10. Fora da União Europeia, sem autorização prévia da Locadora;
  11. Transferir o motociclo para qualquer ilha sem autorização prévia por escrito;
  12. Quando o condutor esteja sob a influência de bebidas alcoólicas, drogas ou de qualquer outra substância que reduza a sua perceção ou capacidade de reação;
  13. Em violação de quaisquer regras de trânsito ou, em geral, para fins ilícitos;
  14. Para subaluguer;
  15. O Locatário não preencher os requisitos mínimos estipulados no nosso atual tarifário no que diz respeito à idade e carta de condução válida;
  16. Por qualquer outra pessoa que não seja o condutor autorizado ou que o sendo, não preencha os requisitos mínimos exigidos pela Locadora no que respeita a idade e carta de condução válida. Em tais casos, o Locatário é também responsável pela utilização do motociclo e terá de indemnizar a Locadora nos termos do contrato;

Caso o Locatário viole qualquer umas das alíneas anteriores, a Locadora reserva-se o direito de cobrar ao Locatário o valor total dos danos causadas no veículo, independentemente da cobertura adicional contratada.



Em caso de acidente, perda, dano ou furto, o locatário obriga-se cumulativamente a:

  1. Chamar a polícia ao local do acidente;
  2. Reportar o sucedido à Locadora no prazo máximo de 24 horas.
  3. Preencher o formulário de relatório de acidente, que está incluído nos documentos do motociclo, comprometendo-se ainda a preencher e assinar na loja Locadora mais próxima o relatório de acidente ou furto.
  4. Cooperar com a Locadora e suas seguradoras em qualquer investigação ou processo judicial subsequente. De igual modo, em caso de avaria, a Locadora deverá ser imediatamente informada aplicando-se, com as necessárias adaptações, as regras anteriores.

Caso o Locatário não cumpra com os procedimentos anteriormente indicados, a Locadora reserva-se o direito de cobrar ao Locatário o valor total dos danos causadas no veículo, independentemente da cobertura adicional contratada. A Locadora não tem qualquer obrigação de fornecer ao Locatário um motociclo de substituição se o motociclo alugado for perdido, danificado ou roubado.



Durante o período de Aluguer do motociclo, o Locatário é inteiramente responsável por todas as multas e/ou coimas inerentes a infrações às regras de trânsito, estacionamento, portagens ou outras, bem como por todas as consequências que daí sejam decorrentes.

A Locadora cobrará um suplemento pelo trabalho administrativo caso o Locatário incorra em quaisquer coimas e/ou multas durante o período de aluguer, sem prejuízo do valor a pagar pelas referidas coimas e/ou multas. A Locadora fornecerá ao Locatário, a pedido deste, uma cópia de qualquer notificação recebida relativa a infrações às regras de trânsito, estacionamento e/ou portagens.


  1. A Locadora disponibiliza ao Locatário um identificador Via Verde propriedade daquela, o qual permite determinar o valor das taxas de portagem com vista à sua cobrança no âmbito dos serviços de portagem eletrónica disponibilizados nas infraestruturas rodoviárias devidamente equipadas para o efeito, sendo o Locatário o único responsável pelo pagamento integral do valor das mesmas durante o período de vigência do contrato.
  2. Pela utilização do serviço de via verde, será cobrado ao Locatário, um valor de acordo com o estipulado em Diploma Legal que regulamenta este regime.
  3. Por força do disposto no Decreto-Lei nº 84-C/2022 de 9 de dezembro, a adesão ao serviço de Via Verde é automática.
  4. Para efeitos de pagamento, o Locatário deverá disponibilizar um cartão de crédito válido, assegurando na correspondente conta bancária saldo suficiente para fazer face aos pagamentos devidos, para os débitos que possam ocorrer em momento consequente à utilização das infraestruturas rodoviárias anteriormente mencionadas, aceitando que os débitos serão efetuados depois do fecho do contrato de aluguer e de acordo com as datas em que forem disponibilizadas pela Via Verde Portugal, desde que a utilização das infraestruturas rodoviárias se tenha verificado durante a vigência do contrato de aluguer.
  5. O Locatário é ainda responsável pelo correto funcionamento e pela conservação, em perfeitas condições, do identificador Via Verde, não podendo em caso algum retirar o referido equipamento do local onde o mesmo se encontra instalado, devendo comunicar à Locadora qualquer anomalia.
  6. Caso a Locadora verifique qualquer incumprimento de alguma das condições referidas nos números anteriores, designadamente a utilização abusiva do identificador, o Locatário será responsável por todos os prejuízos daí resultantes e respetivas penalizações, tais como multas ou coimas, devendo ressarcir a Locadora pelos mesmos, bem como pagar as penalizações que vierem a ser aplicadas (suplemento de gestão de multas/coimas).
  7. A responsabilidade do Locatário por cada identificador de Via Verde apenas cessa quando este for devolvido à Locadora. A falta de devolução do identificador de Via Verde no fim do Contrato de Aluguer, faz o Locatário incorrer na obrigação de liquidar o respetivo custo à Locadora, assim como, todos os custos e coimas que possam advir decorrentes da ausência do mesmo.



A Locadora não é responsável pela perda ou por danos materiais causados a bens pessoais que tenham sido deixados com a Locadora ou no motociclo, quer durante o período de aluguer, quer após o termo do mesmo.



O presente contrato está sujeito à lei portuguesa. Em caso de litígio, o consumidor pode recorrer para uma Entidade de Resolução Alternativa de Litígio de Consumo ou para um tribunal. As partes consideram que os tribunais    de Lisboa devem ter jurisdição, com renúncia expressa a qualquer outro.



O motociclo pode estar equipado com tecnologia de posicionamento global por satélite (GPS) ou outro sistema telemático e/ou dispositivo de registo de ocorrências (EDR). O Locatário reconhece e autoriza, de acordo com o ponto “17. Informação Pessoal” infra e com base no seu consentimento pessoal, que o uso deste motociclo pode ser monitorizado remotamente pela Locadora ou em seu nome através de tais sistemas dentro dos limites permitidos por lei.

Esta monitorização remota pode incluir recolha de dados do motociclo, tais como: localização, odómetro, vida útil do óleo, nível de combustível, pressão dos pneus, estado da bateria, códigos de diagnóstico de   anomalia e outros elementos que sejam considerados necessários. Na medida máxima permitida pela lei, a Locadora poderá desativar o motociclo quando o considerar necessário, incluindo se o Locatário violar   o presente Contrato.

A Locadora não se responsabiliza pela operabilidade de qualquer sistema de navegação telemática ou de    outro sistema incluído no motociclo dentro dos limites permitidos por lei.

O motociclo pode estar equipado com um sistema de “infotainment” que permite ao Locatário ligar os seus dispositivos móveis. Se escolher fazê-lo, por favor tenha em atenção que o motociclo pode carregar automaticamente o livro de endereços, armazenar as suas chamadas telefónicas recebidas, realizadas ou perdidas e outras informações do seu dispositivo. O Locatário deverá seguir os passos apresentados no sistema de ecrã do motociclo para eliminar esta informação e o dispositivo da memória do motociclo. A Locadora não se responsabiliza por garantir a privacidade de tal informação e não pode garantir que outras pessoas não autorizadas pelo Locatário tenham acesso a esta informação após devolver o motociclo.


  1. Após assinar o Contrato, o Locatário deverá fornecer os seus dados pessoais e os dados pessoais do(s) outro(s) condutor(es) do veículo, para fins de identificação, autorizando expressamente a Locadora a processar os dados eletronicamente.
  2. De contrato com o Regulamento (UE) 2016/679 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 27 de abril de 2016 (RGPD), a Locadora informa que:
  1. A entidade responsável pelo tratamento de dados pessoais fornecidos no contrato é a HR Ride Portugal, S.A., com sede em Avenida Severiano Falcão 7-7A, 2689-522 Prior Velho;
  2. O principal objetivo do tratamento de dados pessoais é a conclusão e execução deste contrato, conforme    o Artigo 6.º (1) (b) do RGPD;
  3. Os dados pessoais podem ser transmitidos para uma terceira parte de modo a cumprir com qualquer obrigação legal a que a Locadora esteja sujeita, conforme o Artigo 6.º (1) (c) do RGPD, nomeadamente autoridades judiciais, polícia, entidades reguladoras e autoridade aduaneira e fiscal;
  4. Dados pessoais podem ser processados para outros fins, em relação aos quais o Locatário deve dar à Locadora, o seu consentimento expresso;
  5. A Locadora deve conservar os dados pessoais processados pela quantidade de tempo necessária para a HR Ride Portugal, S.A. efetuar a prestação de serviços, a faturação e o cumprimento de obrigações legais.
  1. O titular dos dados tem o direito de, a qualquer momento, aceder aos seus dados pessoais, bem como, dentro dos termos do contrato e do RGPD, retificá-los e contestar o seu processamento, decidir sobre o tratamento automatizado, retirar o consentimento, solicitar a eliminação dos dados e exercer os direitos fornecidos pela lei aplicável (exceto quando os dados são necessários para a execução do contrato e, como tal, de fornecimento obrigatório, assim como para o cumprimento de obrigações legais a que a Locadora está sujeita).
  2. Se o Locatário retirar o seu consentimento, não afeta a legalidade do processo realizado até esse momento.
  3. O titular dos dados tem o direito de ser notificado, de contrato com o RGPD, no caso de uma violação dos dados   pessoais que pode resultar num risco para os seus direitos e liberdades e pode apresentar uma reclamação à(s) autoridade(s) competente(s).
  4. Os dados pessoais podem ser transmitidos a terceiros que fornecem serviços para a Locadora, sempre que estes serviços necessitem a transferência de informação contida nos contratos de aluguer.




HR - Comercio de Automoveis e Motociclos, S.L., with N.I.F B14349567 (hereinafter referred to as the Rental Company) rents the vehicle (motorbike) identified in the rental contract on the following terms and conditions.

This document includes all the terms and conditions of the rental agreement executed between the Rental Company and the Renter, which should read it carefully. If the Renter does not understand any of the provisions of this document, the Renter must require pertinent clarifications from the representative of the Rental Company. With the signature of this document the Renter acknowledges that he did not request any clarification that has not been provided.


  1. Driving License: Both the renter and any additional drivers must provide a valid, unexpired driver’s license for the class of motorcycle rented (including any necessary endorsements) in their name, held for at least 3 years. If your driver’s license is not issued in Europe, then you must also bring an international driving permit. Drivers need to be at least 21 years old for Honda PCX125 and BMW G310GS, 25 years for all the groups with less than 801cc, and 28 years for the remaining groups. These conditions may change according to the motorcycle identified.
  2. Identification: A passport or personal ID card is required
  3. Credit Card: The renter must have a credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD) in his or her own name when picking up the motorcycle (American Express, Dinners, prepaid credit card, charge card or cash cards will not be accepted).  At the time of rental, we will request an authorization (hold) on your credit card for the excess of the estimated rental charges plus Non-Waivable Excess (NWE) deposit/ guarantee.  The card must have enough available funds to cover the hold for the duration of the rental). We will also charge all additional charges, local fees, optional equipment that you rent or anything else that you purchase at the rental counter to the credit card at the time of rental.
  4. Reservation confirmation: The renter must present this Reservation Confirmation when picking up the motorcycle. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information.
  5. Roadside Assistance: You have available road assistant 24h in the original country. Please ask at the desk for details.
  6. Payment Information: The booking of the motorcycle requires the payment by the Renter of monetary amount as a reserve deposit corresponding to 20% of the rental. The Rental Company reserves the right to make the availability of the motorcycle conditional to the effective demonstration by the Renter of the payment of the reservation deposit. The rental must be made within a maximum of 12 months from the date of reservation. Please note that ´Total Amount to pay on pick up’ will be charged in local currency. Any other currency displayed is for information purposes only.
  7. Extensions, Amendments, Cancellations and No-Shows: If you wish to extend or modify your rental after the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation, you must contact Hertz Ride directly at whether you have actually picked up the motorcycle or not. Extension or modification of your rental before the rental starts (i.e., before the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation) may only be arranged by sending Hertz Ride an e-mail at (  Please note that modifying your reservation may result in a change in your rental rate or additional or higher charges based on changes to the length of the rental or to the motorcycle type rented. If your scheduled pick-up time is less than 48 hours away and you wish to modify your booking, please call us at (+351 210 413 334). If the rental price changes due to modifications (e.g., pick-up or drop-off location, motorcycle group or length of rental), you will be charged at the current published price, which may be different or higher from the initial price booked. In addition, if the original reservation was subject to a promotional or discounted fee, you may no longer qualify for that fee, and the modified reservation may be at a substantially higher rate. You will not receive a credit or refund if you return the rented motorcycle earlier than the scheduled due-in date and time.
  1. Modifications: Modifications to reservations can only be made by email to our Contact Center through The estimated total charges will be recalculated based on availability and prices at the time the modification is made. The total charges may be greater or lesser than the price originally booked. This policy applies to changes made to: Drop off location, pick up date and time, Drop off time and date, Motorcycle group, All other additional products.
  2. Cancelations: If you wish to cancel your reservation, you must inform Hertz Ride in writing to before your rental is due to start - cancellation fees may apply. The payment made at the time of reservation is refundable only if the reservation is cancelled at least 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date.
  3. No Shows: Hertz Ride reserves the right to refuse the motorcycle to any user who fails to arrive on time (including  a 30-minute “grace period”), fails to provide all the necessary documentation and/or information, fails to provide a credit card with enough available funds for the deposit; or if the driver show signs of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance affecting his perception or reactions or otherwise appears unfit to operate the motorcycle. In such cases, unless the rental has been cancelled in advance, the renter will be considered a “no show” and will not be entitled to a refund. The prices are based on the pick-up and drop-off times and dates that the user arranges before the rental starts. If the user picks the motorcycle up any later or brings the motorcycle back any earlier, the user will not receive a refund for the unused hours or days.
  1. Extras: All extras extra, optional equipment and services, including GPS, Helmets, Communications system, and low seats, are subject to local availability and availability cannot be guaranteed.  (Ex: GPS, Helmets, Intercommunication System and Low seats). All extra optional equipment is provided “As-Is,” and you are responsible for ensuring that you understand how to use and/or install any of the optional equipment.
  2. Optional Special Damage Coverage: At the counter, costumer can opt to add additional coverage regarding damage responsibility. Please ask our Customer Sale Representative at the location about conditions to add these coverages.


  1. This Agreement is an agreement for the rental of the Motorcycle. You may not transfer or assign your rights in this Agreement or your right to use the Motorcycle.
  2. The Renter understands that we are not an affiliate, agent or franchisee of The Hertz Corporation (or any of its affiliates) (collectively “Hertz”). We are an independently owned and operated company with a limited license from Hertz to use the name, “Hertz Ride” in connection with a motorcycle rental business in Europe. The Renter understands and agrees that Hertz is not a party to this Agreement and has no obligations to him. The Renter agrees that will not make any demands or pursue any claims against Hertz.
  3. The Renter understands that original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are not directly involved in and responsible for the organization and management of the Rentals, so no misunderstanding shall occur when we mention the wording “OEM Rental Partner” or the official Rental Partner of a specific OEM.



The Renter acknowledges that has received the Motorcycle in good working and clean condition, including both tires, and agrees to return it in the same condition (with its keys, equipment, tools and/or accessories) at the location and on the date specified in the Rental Agreement.   

The Renter is prohibited to modify any technical features of the Motorcycle or its keys, equipment, tires, tools and/or accessories or to make any aesthetic change to the Motorcycle, including the application of stickers, vinyls or camera brackets without its removal. If the Renter breaches this provision, he will be responsible for all costs that the Rental Company incur to restore the Motorcycle to its original status, as well as for the damage suffered by stopping the Motorcycle while it is being repaired.  

If the Motorcycle is used in breach of the provisions of the Agreement, the Rental Company may, at any time and without prior notice, terminate the Agreement and take back possession of the Motorcycle, at the Renter's expense.

If the Motorcycle is not returned 48 hours after the return date and time stipulated in the Rental Agreement, the police will be notified of its disappearance.



The minimum Rental Period is one day. A “day” is a 24-hour day beginning on the date and time noted on the Rental Agreement. If the Renter returns the Motorcycle more than 29 minutes after the scheduled return time, the Rental Company reserves the right to charge the Renter for an additional rental day at the applicable daily rate as shown on the Price List. If the Renter wishes to extend the scheduled Rental Period, the Renter must request for the Rental Company express written authorization and pay for the estimated additional charges before the scheduled return time. Under no circumstances may the deposit be used as form of payment in case of extension of the Rental Agreement.



The daily rental rate, as well as the deposit amount, are determined by the Price List in effect when the Renter signs this Agreement. The standard payment method is credit card or debit card.  The Renter pays the total amount of the rental with the signature of this Agreement. The Renter allows the Rental Company to block the amount of the deposit on his credit card at the time of the rental (see the Price List at the counter), as well as the total estimated charges. The Rental Company may use the blocked amount to pay all charges. The Rental Company authorizes the release of the blocked value at the end of the rental if it is not necessary to pay any additional charges. The rules of the issuer of the payment card of the Renter will be applied to credit any amount the Renter´s account, which may not be immediately available by the Renter´s card issuer.



All charges referred to in this Agreement are calculated in accordance with the Rental´s Company current Price List and based on the use of the Motorcycle by the Renter. The Renter agrees to pay at the Rental´s Company request or, being the case to reimburse, the following amounts:

  1. Daily Rental Rate for the Rental Period, including an additional mileage fee if you exceed the daily mileage indicated on the Rental Agreement;
  2. A mileage charge based if the odometer is tampered with or disconnected;
  3. Fees for optional products, equipment, and services that were acquired; 
  4. Fuel and a refuelling fee if the Motorcycle is returned with less fuel than when it was rented;
  5. Expenses that the Rental Company incur to locate and to recover the Motorcycle if the Renter fails to return it or if the Rental Company repossess it under the terms of this Agreement;
  6. All costs incurred by the Rental Company to enforce or defend its rights under this Agreement;
  7. A cleaning fee, as indicated at the Price List, to clean the Motorcycle if returned substantially less clean than it was rented or if stickers, vinyls or camera mounts are applied without removing them;
  8. A lost key fee if the Renter loses the keys of the Motorcycle;
  9. Other surcharges if the Renter returns the Motorcycle to a location other than the location where the Motorcycle was rented;
  10. Towing and all other charges incurred by the Rental Company arising from the improper use of the Motorcycle by the Renter;
  11. Cost of replacing damaged or lost parts and materials used in Motorcycle accessories or optional equipment, such as helmets, intercom systems, low seats or navigation systems;
  12. The costs of issuing the Motorcycle documentation, in case of loss or misplacement.

All complaints or objections regarding the aforementioned charges must be communicated to the Rental Company, within a maximum period of 30 days after receipt of the invoices, after which they will not be considered accepted.

The Renter authorizes that the rental charges, and any others that are directly or indirectly related to the rental of the Motorcycle, even after its return and in accordance with the Agreement be debited from the credit card account or another account indicated for the it.


  1. In the event of any loss or damage, theft or robbery of the Motorcycle or parts of it while on rental, Renter shall pay the Rental Company the amount of all costs and losses including, without limitation, repair costs, depreciation, loss of renting revenues, towing and Motorcycle collection expenses, the amount established in the current Price List as the maximum non-waivable excess (Price List at the counter) or if higher, the amount of the costs, losses or damages effectively incurred
  2. The Renter limits his responsibility under the terms set out below. In any event it is established that said limitation of responsibility is expressly excluded (i) in case of breach by the Renter or by any unauthorized driver, with intend or gross negligence, of the terms of this agreement; (ii) if the damages result, in any case, of the behaviour of an unauthorized driver; (iii) in case of dangerous driving of the Motorcycle or driving the Motorcycle in violation of any applicable regulations and, especially, in case of noncompliance with the Road Code, particularly when the damages are result of negligence from the Renter, speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  3. The Collision Damage Coverage Option (hereinafter CDW) and the Theft Protection Option (hereinafter TP) are included in the daily rental rate. In the CDW, liability for loss or damage to the motorcycle is equal to 30% of the value of the motorcycle. In the TP, liability for theft or robbery is limited to the amount of the deposit required at the beginning of the rental agreement.
  4. The Renter can acquire Super CDW (hereinafter SCDW) or the service of Super CDW VIP (hereinafter SCDW VIP). Should the Renter acquire the SCDW reduces his responsibility for loss or damages of the Motorcycle until a maximum of 50% of the deposit required at the beginning of the rental agreement (price list at the counter). Should the Renter acquire the SCDW VIP reduces his responsibility for loss or damages of the Motorcycle until a maximum of 75% of the deposit required at the beginning of the rental agreement (price list at the counter).

CDW, SCDW and SCDW VIP do not apply to optional equipment that we rent for use on the Motorcycle. CDW, SCDW and SCDW VIP also do not cover lost keys.



Rental Company shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Renter except in the event of gross negligence, intend, or in case of death or bodily injury in case the responsibility cannot be legally excluded.



Only drivers who meet the following requirements are allowed to rent motorcycles:

  1. a driving license valid and issued at least 3 years ago in the country of permanent residence that qualifies the person to use a Motorcycle of the same category as the rented Motorcycle, as long as the license is issued by a country of the European Union and the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway); or a country license that is written in Spanish or accompanied by an official translation thereof; or country licenses issued in accordance with Annex 9 of the Geneva Convention, or Annex 6 of the Vienna Convention, or that differ from these models only in the adoption or suppression of non-essential headings (these licenses will be valid when the maximum period of six months has not elapsed since normal residence in Spain has been acquired; the current driving license is valid; and the holder has the required age in Spain to obtain an equivalent Spanish license. In all other cases, an International Driving Permit must be presented together with the Renter's Driving Permit and Passport;
  2. minimum age with and without Young Driver Surcharge (YDS) according to the following table:
Engine Minimum age Minimum age (YDS)
< 500 cc 21 years Not Applicable
501 cc to 800 cc 25 years 21 years
> 801 cc 28 years 25 years



The Renter must take care of the Motorcycle, ensuring that the handlebars are locked and blocked and parked in a safe place when not in use, apply adequate fuel, as well as connect and use the safety devices displayed on the vehicle.

The Renter must not use or allow the use of the vehicle in the following circumstances:

  1. Transport of passengers or cargo for remuneration;
  2. To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object;
  3. Transport cargo for any illegal purpose;
  4. To transport more than the maximum number of passengers specified by the manufacturer or the applicable law, or transport passengers who are traveling in a position other than the seat designed for the use of passengers;
  5. Carry excessive cargo in relation to the weight/quantity/volume specified by the manufacturer;
  6. Transport corrosive or dangerous materials;
  7. On unpaved roads;
  8. Participate in any race, rally, test or other type of competition, as well as participate in any type of “track days”;
  9. To transport an animal;
  10. Outside the European Union, without prior authorization from the Rental Company;
  11. Transfer the Motorcycle to any island without prior written authorization;
  12. When the driver is under the influence of alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other substance that reduces his perception or reaction capacity;
  13. In violation of any traffic rules or, in general, for illicit purposes;
  14. For sublease;
  15. The Renter does not meet the minimum requirements stipulated in our current tariff with regard to age and valid driving license;
  16. By any other person who is not the authorized driver or who, if so, does not meet the minimum requirements demanded by the Lessor in terms of age and a valid driving license. In such cases, the Lessee is also responsible for using the Motorcycle and will have to indemnify the Lessor under the terms of the agreement;
  17. Carrying as passengers children under 12 years of age. Children over 7 years of age may be passengers as long as the renter of the motorcycle is their father, mother or guardian.

If the Renter violates any of the previous paragraphs, the Rental Company reserves the right to charge the Renter the total amount of damage caused to the vehicle, regardless of the additional coverage purchased.



In case of accident, loss, damage or theft, the Renter undertakes cumulatively to:

  1. Call the police to the site of the accident.
  2. Report the event to the Rental Company within a maximum period of 24 hours.
  3. Fill out the Agreed Statement of Facts on Motorway Vehicle Accident which is included in the documents of the vehicle, as well as to complete and sign the accident or theft report form at the nearest Rental Company Location.
  4. To cooperate with Rental Company and its insurers in any subsequent investigation or legal proceedings. Similarly, in the event of a breakdown, the Rental Company must be immediately informed, applying the above rules, with the necessary adjustments.

Should the Renter fail to comply with the procedures mentioned above, regardless of additional coverage purchased, the Rental Company reserves the right to charge to the Renter the total amount of damages caused to the vehicle. The Rental Company is under no obligation to provide the Renter with a replacement motorcycle if the rented motorcycle is lost, damaged or stolen.



During the rental period, the Renter is entirely responsible for all fines and/or penalties resulting from the violation of any traffic, parking, and toll regulations, as well as for any inconvenience or responsibility resulting therefrom.

Should the Renter incur in any penalties and/or fines during the rental period, notwithstanding the amount to be paid for said penalties and/or fines, the Rental Company will also charge an administrative fee. The Rental Company shall provide the Renter, upon demand, a copy of any notification received regarding traffic, parking, and/or toll violations.



Rental Company is not responsible for the loss or material damage caused to personal belongings left in the Motorcycle, either during the rental period or thereafter.



This agreement is subject to Portuguese law. In case of dispute, the consumer may appeal to a Consumer Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity or to a court. The parties consider that the courts of Lisbon shall have jurisdiction, with express waiver of any other, in accordance with the provision of Regulation EC 44/2001, which provides that there is an agreement conferring jurisdiction to the courts of one of the Member States of the contracting parties.



The Motorcycle may be equipped with global positioning satellite (GPS) technology or another telematics system, and/or an event data recorder (EDR). You acknowledge and authorize as per point “16. Personal Information” and based on your personal consent that the use of this Motorcycle may be remotely monitored by us or on behalf of us through such systems to the extent permitted by law.

This remote monitoring may include collection of Motorcycle data, such as: location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery state of charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements we may deem necessary. To the extent permitted by law, we may disable the Motorcycle when we deem necessary, including if you breach this Agreement. These systems may use cellular communications, and you should have no expectation of privacy related to your use of this Motorcycle. You agree to inform all drivers and passengers of the Motorcycle of the terms of this section, and that you have authorized release of information collected by GPS or other telematics system or EDR.

The Rental Company is not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Motorcycle to the extent permitted by law.

The motorcycle may be equipped with an “infotainment” system that allows Renter to connect their mobile devices. If you choose to do so, please be aware that the motorcycle can automatically load the address book, store your incoming, outgoing or missed phone calls and other information from your device. The Renter must follow the steps shown on the motorcycle's display system to delete this information and the device from the motorcycle's memory. The Rental Company is not responsible for ensuring the privacy of such information and cannot guarantee that other persons not authorized by the Rental Company have access to this information after returning the motorcycle.


  1. Upon signing the Agreement, the Renter must provide their personal data and the ones of the other driver(s) of the Motorcycle, for the purposes of identification, expressly authorizing the Rental Company to process the data electronically.
  2. According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), the Rental Company informs that:                                                       
  1. The entity responsible for processing the personal data provided in the agreement is HR – Comercio de Automoveis e Motociclos, S.L.;                                                         
  2. The main purpose of personal data processing is the conclusion and performance of this agreement, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b) from the GDPR;                                                
  3. Personal data may be transmitted to third parties for the purpose of fulfilling legal requirements to which the Rental Company is subject, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR, in particular to judicial authorities, police, tax authorities and customs and any other public authority as required by law;                                                                                             
  4. Personal data may be processed for other purposes, to which the Renter has given the Rental Company express consent;
  5. The Rental Company will keep the personal data processed for the period of time necessary for the provision of services, billing and compliance with legal obligations.
  1. The data subject has the right to, at any moment, access their personal data, as well as, within the agreement and GDPR terms, to rectify them and object their processing, to decide in regard of automated processing, to withdraw consent, request erasure of personal data and exercise the rights provided in applicable law (except when the data is necessary for the performance of the agreement and therefore, mandatory to provide, as well as for the compliance of legal obligations the Rental Company is subject).
  2. If the Renter withdraw his/her consent, it does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out until that moment.
  3. The data subject has the right to be notified, in accordance with the GDPR, in the event of a personal data breach which may result in a risk to their rights and freedoms and may submit a claim to the competent authority(ies).
  4. Personal data may be transmitted to third parties which provide services to the Rental Company, whenever these services require the transfer of information contained in the rental agreements.




HR France – Location des Véhicules et Mobilité, SARL., head office at 119 Avenue Simone Veil, 06200 Nice, France, rents the identified vehicle (motorcycle) through this rental agreement, under its specific terms and conditions and under the following terms and conditions.  

This document includes all terms and conditions of the rental agreement executed by the Rental Company and the Renter, and the latter should read it carefully. If the Renter does not understand any of the provisions contained by this document, he/she should request the concerning clarification to the assisting representative of the Rental Company.  


    1. Additional Mandatory Charges” means separately stated charges that we require you to pay to hire or lease the Motorcycle for the period of time to which the rental rate applies, and which are imposed by a governmental entity and specifically related to the operation of the rental vehicle business.  Additional Mandatory Charges include a customer facility charge, airport concession fee, tourism commission assessment, or other government-imposed taxes or fees.
    2. Agreement” means all terms and conditions in these Terms & Conditions, the “Rental Agreement,” the “Vehicle Condition Report,” the invoice, the Assumption of Risks and Release (“Release”), and any other addenda that we provide at the time of rental (and that you sign). 
    3. Authorized Driver” means a driver authorized to use the Motorcycle. Each Authorized Driver must: (i) have a valid driver’s license in the country of permanent residence that qualifies that person to operate a motorcycle with the same rating as the Motorcycle held for at least 3 years; (ii) be at least 21 years old for Honda PCX125 and BMW G310GS, 25 years for all the groups with less than 801cc, and 28 years for the remaining groups; and (iii) not to provide false information about your personal details and requirements for driving license. These conditions may change according to the motorcycle identified.
    4.  “Charges” means the fees and charges that are incurred under this Agreement.  All amounts expressed under this Agreement shall be payable in Euro. 
    5. CDW" means Collision Damage Waiver. 
    6. “TP” means Theft protection.
    7. Diminished Value” means the difference between the fair market value of the Motorcycle before damage or loss and its value after repairs as calculated by a third-party estimate obtained by us or on our behalf. 
    8.  “Loss of Use” means the loss of our ability to use a Motorcycle for our purposes because of Motorcycle damage or loss during a Rental Period, including use for rent, display for rental and all activities relating to the rental business.
    9. Motorcycle” or “Vehicle” means the motorcycle identified on the Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute for it, and all of its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, appliances, keys, and vehicle documents.
    10.  “Rental Period” means the period between the time you take possession of the Motorcycle until the Motorcycle is either returned to or recovered by us and checked in by us.
    11.  “Rental Portfolio” means a document available for your inspection at the rental location, which provides detailed information on the motorcycles available for rent and also includes an updated price list of daily rental rates and other fees (the “Price List”).  The Price List is subject to change.
    12. "You" or "your" means the individual identified as the “Renter” and any Authorized Driver
    13. "We", "our" or "us" means ??HR France – Location des Véhicules et Mobilité, SARL., The Hertz Company has authorized us to use the name “Hertz Ride.”




  1. Driving License: Both the renter and any additional drivers must provide a valid, unexpired driver’s license for the class of motorcycle rented (including any necessary endorsements) in their name, held for at least 3 years. If your driver’s license is not issued in Europe, then you must also bring an international driving permit. Drivers need to be at least 21 years old for Honda PCX125 and BMW G310GS, 25 years for all the groups with less than 801cc, and 28 years for the remaining groups. These conditions may change according to the motorcycle identified.
  2. Identification: A passport or personal ID card is required
  3. Credit Card: The renter must have a credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD) in his or her own name when picking up the motorcycle (American Express, Dinners, prepaid credit card, charge card or cash cards will not be accepted).  At the time of rental, we will request an authorization (hold) on your credit card for the excess of the estimated rental charges plus Non-Waivable Excess (NWE) deposit/ guarantee.  The card must have enough available funds to cover the hold for the duration of the rental). We will also charge all additional charges, local fees, optional equipment that you rent or anything else that you purchase at the rental counter to the credit card at the time of rental.
  4. Reservation confirmation: The renter must present this Reservation Confirmation when picking up the motorcycle. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information.
  5. Roadside Assistance: You have available road assistant 24h in the original country. Please ask at desk for details.
  6. Payment Information: The booking of the motorcycle requires the payment by the Renter of monetary amount as a reserve deposit corresponding to 20% of the rental. The Rental Company reserves the right to make the availability of the motorcycle conditional to the effective demonstration by the Renter of the payment of the reservation deposit. The rental must be made within a maximum of 12 months from the date of reservation. Please note that ´Total Amount to pay on pick up’ will be charged in local currency. Any other currency displayed is for information purposes only.
  7. Extensions, Amendments, Cancellations and No-Shows: If you wish to extend or modify your rental after the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation, you must contact Hertz Ride directly at whether you have actually picked up the motorcycle or not. Extension or modification of your rental before the rental starts (i.e., before the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation) may only be arranged by sending Hertz Ride an e-mail at (  Please note that modifying your reservation may result in a change in your rental rate or additional or higher charges based on changes to the length of the rental or to the motorcycle type rented. If your scheduled pick-up time is less than 48 hours away and you wish to modify your booking, please call us at (+351 210 413 334). If the rental price changes due to modifications (e.g., pick-up or drop-off location, motorcycle group or length of rental), you will be charged at the current published price, which may be different or higher from the initial price booked. In addition, if the original reservation was subject to a promotional or discounted fee, you may no longer qualify for that fee, and the modified reservation may be at a substantially higher rate. You will not receive a credit or refund if you return the rented motorcycle earlier than the scheduled due-in date and time.
    1. Modifications: Modifications to reservations can only be made by email to our Contact Center through The estimated total charges will be recalculated based on the availability and prices at the time the modification is made. The total charges may be greater or lesser than the price originally booked. This policy applies to changes made to: Drop off location, pick up date and time, Drop off time and date, Motorcycle group, All other additional products
    2. Cancelations: If you wish to cancel your reservation, you must inform Hertz Ride in writing to before your rental is due to start - cancellation fees may apply. The payment made at the time of reservation is refundable only if the reservation is canceled at least 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date.
    3. No Shows: Hertz Ride reserves the right to refuse the motorcycle to any user who fails to arrive on time (including  a 30-minute “grace period”), fails to provide all the necessary documentation and/or information, fails to provide a credit card with enough available funds for the deposit; or if the driver show signs of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance affecting his perception or reactions or otherwise appears unfit to operate the motorcycle. In such cases, unless the rental has been cancelled in advance, the renter will be considered a “no show” and will not be entitled to a refund. The prices are based on the pick-up and drop-off times and dates that the user arranges before the rental starts. If the user picks the motorcycle up any later or brings the motorcycle back any earlier, the user will not receive a refund for the unused hours or days.
  8. Extras: All extras extra, optional equipment and services, including GPS, Helmets, Communications system, and low seats, are subject to local availability and availability cannot be guaranteed.  (Ex: GPS, Helmets, Intercommunication System and Low seats).All extra optional equipment is provided “As-Is,” and you are responsible for ensuring that you understand how to use and/or install any of the optional equipment.
  9. Optional Special Damage Coverage: At the counter, costumer can opt to add additional coverage regarding damage responsibility. Please ask our Customer Sale Representative at the location about conditions to add these coverages
    1. SCDW – Medium coverage: If you purchase Super CDW, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 50% of the minimum waivable excess. Price varies between 19€ and 25€ per day, with a minimum of 5 days per rental.
    2. VIP SCDW – Top Coverage: If you purchase Super CDW VIP, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 75% of the minimum waivable excess. Price varies between 35€ and 39€ per day, with a minimum of 5 days per rental.


  1. This Agreement is a contract for the rental of the Motorcycle.  You may not transfer or assign your rights in this Agreement or your right to use the Motorcycle.
  2. You understand that we are not an affiliate, agent or franchisee of The Hertz Corporation (or any of its affiliates) (collectively “Hertz”).  We are an independently owned and operated company with a limited license from Hertz to use the name, “Hertz Ride” in connection with a motorcycle rental business in Europe. You further understand and agree that Hertz is not a party to this Agreement and has no obligations to you.  You further agree that you will not make any demands or pursue any claims against Hertz. 



The Renter acknowledges receiving the Motorcycle in good working and clean condition, including both tires, and agrees to return it to us in the same condition (with its keys, equipment, tools and/or accessories) at the location and on the date specified in the Rental Agreement.   

You are prohibited from modifying any technical features of the Motorcycle or its keys, equipment, tires, tools and/or accessories or from making any aesthetic change to the Motorcycle.  If you breach this provision, you will be responsible for all costs that we incur to restore the Motorcycle to its original status plus, to the extent permitted by law, consequential and incidental damages due to our inability to use the Motorcycle while it is being repaired.  

To the extent permitted by law: (a) we may repossess the Motorcycle at your expense without notice to you if it is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement; and (b) if the Motorcycle is not returned 48 hours after the date and hour return time as stipulated in the Rental Agreement, it will be considered embezzled or converted and may be reported to the police as stolen.  Failure to return the Motorcycle may constitute a crime punishable to the fullest extent provided under applicable law.



The minimum Rental Period is one day.A “day” is a 24-hour day beginning on the date and time noted on the Rental Agreement. If you return the Motorcycle more than 29 minutes after the scheduled return time, we reserve the right to charge you for an additional rental day at the applicable daily rate as shown on the Price List.If you wish to extend the scheduled Rental Period, you must request our express written authorization and pay for the estimated additional charges before the scheduled return time.Under no circumstances may the deposit be used as form of payment in case of extension of the rental agreement. If you fail to return the Motorcycle when due and continue to use it without our express authorization, we may terminate this Agreement, and you will have sole responsibility for the payment of any fines or penalties assessed against you, the Motorcycle or us due to the lack of updated documentation.



The daily rental rate, as well as the deposit amount, are determined by the Price List in effect when you sign this Agreement. The standard payment method is credit card.  Payment by cash or debit card requires our prior authorization and may be subject to additional conditions. If we authorize payment in cash, we reserve the right to request one or more credit cards of the Renter as guarantee.  You permit us to reserve against your payment card (or, if we choose, take a cash deposit) at the time of rental a reasonable amount in addition to the estimated total charges. We may use the reserve or deposit to pay all Charges. We will authorize the release of an excess reserve (or return of a cash deposit) at completion of your rental if no additional Charges are payable. Your payment card issuer’s rules will apply to crediting your account for any excess, which may not be immediately released by your card issuer.



Prices are indicated in Euros in our Price List in force at the time of signing the Rental Agreement. The Price List is available for consultation at the rental desk. The rental price including all items as indicated in point D of the "Definitions" is paid at the time of signing the Rental Agreement or in any case before the end of the rental period at the request of our Company. The rental price includes:


  1. Daily Rental Rate for the Rental Period, including an additional mileage fee if you exceed the daily mileage allowance indicated on the Rental Agreement Face Page;
  2. A mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with or disconnected;
  3. Fees for optional products, equipment, and services you purchased;
  4. Fuel and a refueling fee if you return the Motorcycle with less fuel than when rented;
  5. Expenses we incur locating and recovering the Motorcycle if you fail to return it or if we repossess it under the terms of this Agreement;
  6. All costs we incur enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;
  7. A reasonable cleaning fee as noted on the Price List to clean the Motorcycle if returned substantially less clean than when rented;
  8. A lost key fee if you lose the keys to the Motorcycle;
  9. A surcharge if you return the Motorcycle to a location other than the location where you rented the Motorcycle (“Drop Fee”) or if you do not return it on the date and time due as further described in Paragraph 2 above (“Late Fee”);
  10. Towing, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur from your use of the Motorcycle;
  11. Replacement cost of lost or damaged parts and supplies used in the Motorcycle accessories or optional equipment, such as helmets, intercom systems, lowered seats, or navigation systems; and
  12. The cost of obtaining replacement documents plus a reasonable administrative fee if you lose or damage any of the Motorcycle documents, including the vehicle registration.


There is no refund for late pick-up or early return.  If you use a credit card or other payment card issued by a bank or financial institution any currency conversion will be handled by the issuing bank.  All Charges are subject to our final audit.  If errors are discovered after the close of this transaction, you authorize us to correct the Charges with the payment card issuer. You must notify us of any disputes to the Charges no later than 30 days after your receipt of the invoice.



You must report all accidents or incidents of theft or vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. 

You are responsible for all damage to or loss or theft of the Motorcycle during the Rental Period, resulting from any cause, including damage or loss caused by collision, weather, vandalism, theft, road conditions and acts of nature.  Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical damage to the Motorcycle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Motorcycle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Motorcycle, less salvage; (ii) if we determine that the Motorcycle is repairable: (A) the difference between the value of the Motorcycle immediately before the damage and the value immediately after the damage; or (B) the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair plus Diminished Value; (b) Loss of Use, measured by multiplying your daily rental rate either by the actual or estimated number of days from the date the Motorcycle is damaged until it is replaced or repaired, which you agree represents a reasonable estimate of Loss of Use damages and not a penalty.  Loss of Use shall be payable regardless of fleet utilization; (c) a reasonable administrative fee, calculated based on the damage repair estimate as follows, which you agree is reasonable: €0-€250 damage=€50 fee; €251-€500 damage=€75 fee; €501-€750 damage=€100 fee; €751-€1500 damage=€150 fee; €1501-€2500 damage =€200 fee; over €2500 damage=€250 fee;; (d) towing, storage, and impound charges and other reasonable incidental and consequential damages; and (e) all costs associated with our enforcement of this Agreement.  You are responsible for loss or damage to the Motorcycle resulting from theft or vandalism related to the theft; you file an official report of the theft with the police within 24 hours of learning of the theft and you cooperate with us and the police in providing information regarding the theft; You are responsible for replacing missing equipment and Motorcycle documents and keys. You must report all Motorcycle accidents or incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police upon discovery.   



 a) In the event of any loss or damage to, theft or robbery of the Motorcycle or parts thereof while on rental, Renter shall pay Rental Company on demand the amount of all costs and losses including, without limitation, repair costs, depreciation, loss of renting revenues, towing and vehicle collection expenses, the amount established in our current tariff as the maximum non-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);

b) The Renter limits his or her responsibility under the terms set out below provided that he or she complies with the terms hereof and that the loss or damage has not been caused intentionally or by gross negligence of the Renter, by gross negligence of any authorised driver or by any unauthorised driver;

(i) Responsibility for any loss or damage caused to the Motorcycle (excluding theft and robbery) is limited to the total value of the maximum non-waivable excess established in Rental Company current price list. Should the Renter accept the Collision Damage Waiver (hereinafter CDW) by initialling the space provided for this purpose on the first page hereof and paying the daily fee specified for this purpose, he shall be solely held responsible for the stated in the agreement as the minimum non-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);

(ii) Responsibility for loss of, or damages to, the vehicle deriving from theft or robbery thereof is limited to the total value of the maximum non-waivable excess established in Rental Company current tariff. Should the Renter agree to subscribe the Theft Protection Waiver (hereinafter TP) by initialling the space provided for this purpose on the first page hereof and paying the daily fee specified for this purpose, he shall be solely held responsible for the amount established in Rental Company current price list as the minimum no-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);



By accepting CDW and TP, you will be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the motorcycle limited to the total value of non-waivable excess stablished in current price list.  We also offer “Super CDW”- medium coverage and “Super CDW VIP”- top coverage to the Motorcycle. If you purchase Super CDW, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 50% of the minimum waivable excess.  If you purchase Super CDW VIP, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 75% of the minimum waivable excess. Super CDW, and Super CDW VIP are not insurance, are optional, and may duplicate coverage under your own insurance policy or credit card. CDW, Super CDW, and Super CDW VIP do not apply to Optional Equipment we rent to you for use in the Motorcycle.CDW, Super CDW, Super CDW VIP also do not cover lost keys.  Your CDW, Super CDW, or Super CDW VIP will be invalidated, and we will not waive our right to hold you financially responsible for loss or damage to the Motorcycle  (i) that results from a Prohibited Use (defined in Paragraph 10 below) or (ii) if the loss or damage has been caused intentionally or by gross negligence of the Renter, by gross negligence of any authorised driver or by any unauthrorised driver.

In case of accident, loss, damage or theft, the police and the Rental Company must be informed within 24 hours. The Renter must fill the damage report together with the documentation of the motorcycle, and also undertakes to fill and sign at the closest station of the Rental Company the accident, loss, damage or theft report, otherwise the insurance is deemed as null and void. The Renter must cooperate with the Rental Company, the police and insurance company in any subsequent investigation or judicial proceedings, and inform immediately on any letters, summons and notices regarding the accident and provide full cooperation to the Rental Company and the insurance company during the investigation and defence of any claim or court case.

The Rental Company is under no obligation to provide a replacing motorcycle to the Renter, if the rented motorcycle is subject to accident or lost, damaged or stolen.


  1. Conditions of Use.  During the Rental Period:
    1. You must park the Motorcycle safely.  For example, when the Motorcycle is not in use, you must lock and block the steering wheel and keep all Motorcycle documents with you.
    2. You agree to use only fuel that meets the manufacturer’s specifications and regularly monitor oil and water levels, tire pressure, and any other basic systems of the Motorcycle.
    3. Only the person or persons identified and accepted as Authorized Drivers by the Rental Company are permitted to drive the Motorcycle. 
    4. You agree to comply with all laws applicable to your use of the Motorcycle, including those regulating helmets, protective eye and body gear, lane splitting, and other rules of the road.  You are responsible for knowing and understanding the laws of each jurisdiction in which you operate the Motorcycle.


  1. Prohibited Use.  The following uses of the Motorcycle or actions that you or another driver take (or fail to take) are considered “Prohibited Uses” of the Motorcycle.  Prohibited Uses are material breaches of this Agreement and include the following: 


  1. Use of the Motorcycle to:
  2. Transport of passengers or cargo for hire;
  3. Push or tow another motorcycle or any other object;
  4. Transport cargo for any unlawful purpose;
  5. Transport more than the maximum number of passengers specified by the manufacturer or applicable law, or to transport passengers who are riding in any position other on a seat designed for passenger use;
  6. Transport cargo in excess of the weight/quantity/volume specified by the manufacturer;
  7. Transport hazardous or dangerous materials;
  8. In furtherance of any illegal purpose or under any circumstance that would constitute a felony or other violation of law (other than a minor traffic violation);
  9. On unpaved roads;
  10. For Sports Events or Track Days;
  11. To transport an animal;
  12. For every maneuver prohibited by the Highway Code;
  13. Drive the Motorcycle outside of European Union without previous authorization of the Rental Company;
  14. For subleases or sub-rentals or to dispose of, mortgage, exercise a lien, sell or pledge as security the Motorcycle, equipment, tools and/or accessories and any part thereof, or use with the Motorcycle in such a manner that causes damage to us.
  15. To transfer the Motorcycle to any island without our prior written approval;
  16. To transfer the Motorcycle into any ferry. Should the customer use a ferry & there be an accident of any kind, you will be held responsible for all costs to repair and/or repatriate the Motorcycle. Even if you purchase Additional Coverage & choose to travel on a ferry, the coverage will be null & void.
  17. By any person:
  18. Who is not an Authorized Driver;
  19. Who does not have a valid license for operation of a motorcycle with the same rating as the Motorcycle;
  20. Whose driver’s license is suspended;
  21. Who is under the influence of prescription, non-prescription drugs or alcohol;
  22. Who obtained the Motorcycle or extended the Rental Period by giving us false, fraudulent, or misleading information; and
  23. Who is operating the Motorcycle while using a hand-held wireless communications device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in hands-free mode.




  1. Indemnification.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from all claims, demands, actions, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur (collectively “Claims”) resulting from, or arising out of, this rental and your use of the Motorcycle, or our repossession of it, including Claims resulting from or arising out of the carrying of any passengers on the Motorcycle.
  2. Handling Claims.  You must: (i) report all damage to us and all accidents or incidents to us and the police as soon as you discover them (but no later than 24 hours after the incident) and complete our incident report form, which is included with  the Motorcycle documents; (ii) provide us with a legible copy of any service of process, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Motorcycle; and (iii) cooperate with us, the police, and our insurance company in any subsequent investigation or legal proceedings. Coverage under the Policy may be void if you give the Motorcycle to an unauthorized driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report.  We are under no obligation to provide a replacement motorcycle to you if the rented Motorcycle is lost, damaged or stolen.



You are liable for paying charging authorities directly all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each a “Violation”) assessed against you, us or the Motorcycle during this rental. If we are notified by charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Violation, you agree that we may, in our sole discretion, transfer liability for any Toll or Violation assessed against the Motorcycle during the Rental Period to you personally.  If liability is transferred to you, we will charge you an administrative fee of up to €50 per Toll or Violation.  You authorize us to release your rental and billing information, including payment card information, to the charging authorities for processing/billing purposes.



We are not responsible for loss of or damage to personal property that was left with us or carried in or on the Motorcycle. If you fail to claim property left in the Motorcycle for more than 30 days, we may dispose of that property in a manner we choose.  To the extent permitted by law, You waive all claims against us, our agents and employees for loss of or damage to the personal property of you or another person, which we received, handled, or stored, or which was left or carried in or on the Motorcycle or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss of damage was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility.  The Motorcycle may be equipped with an infotainment system that permits you to pair your own mobile devices. If you choose to do so, please note that the Motorcycle may automatically load your address book, store your incoming, outgoing and missed telephone calls, and other information from your device.  You should follow the steps displayed on the motorcycle’s system screen to delete this information and the device from the Motorcycle’s memory.  We are not responsible for assuring the privacy of any such information, and cannot guarantee that other persons you do not authorize will gain access to this information after you return the Motorcycle



This Agreement is subject to Italian law. For any dispute deriving from or connected with the Rental Agreement and these General Conditions, the territorial jurisdiction is of the Court of Milan, with the express waiver of any other Court.

If the Charterer is a Consumer, for any dispute deriving from or connected with the Rental Agreement and these General Conditions, the territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the Italian State.



The Motorcycle may be equipped with global positioning satellite (GPS) technology or another telematics system, and/or an event data recorder (EDR). You acknowledge and authorize as per as point 17. PERSONAL INFORMATION and based on your personal consent that the use of this Motorcycle may be remotely monitored by us or on behalf of us through such systems to the extent permitted by law. This remote monitoring may include collection of Motorcycle data, such as: location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery state of charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements we may deem necessary.  To the extent permitted by law, we may disable the Motorcycle when we deem necessary, including if you breach this Agreement  These systems may use cellular communications, and you should have no expectation of privacy related to your use of this Motorcycle.  You agree to inform all drivers and passengers of the Motorcycle of the terms of this section, and that you have authorized release of information collected by GPS or other telematics system or EDR.  We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Motorcycle.  To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the GPS or other telematics system or EDR to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the GPS or other telematics system or EDR.


  1. Upon signing the Contract, the Renter must provide their personal data and the ones of the other driver(s) of the vehicle, for the purposes of identification, expressly authorising the Rental Company to process the data electronically.
  2. According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), the Rental Company informs that:                                                        
    1. The entity responsible for processing the personal data provided in the contract is HR Ride Portugal, SA, head office in Avenida Severiano Falcão 7-7A, 2689-522 Prior Velho;                                                         
    2. The main purpose of personal data processing is the conclusion and performance of this contract, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b) from the GDPR;                                                
    3. Personal data may be transmitted to a third party in order to comply with any legal obligations to which the Rental Company is subject, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) from the GDPR, namely judicial authorities, criminal police, tax and customs authority and regulatory entities;
    4. Personal data may be processed for other purposes, regarding which the Charterer must give the Rental Company the express consent;
    5. The Rental Company will keep the personal data processed for the period of time necessary for the provision of services, billing and compliance with legal.
  3. The data subject has the right to, at any moment, access their personal data, as well as, within the contract and GDPR terms, to rectify them and object their processing, to decide in regard of automated processing, to withdraw consent, request erasure of personal data and exercise the rights provided in applicable law (except when the data is necessary for the performance of the contract and therefore, mandatory to provide, as well as for the compliance of legal obligations the Rental Company is subject).
  4. If the Renter withdraw his/her consent, it does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out until that moment.
  5. The data subject has the right to be notified, in accordance with the GDPR, in the event of a personal data breach which may result in a risk to their rights and freedoms and may submit a claim to the competent authority(ies).
  6. Personal data may be transmitted to third parties which provide services to the Rental Company, whenever these services require the transfer of information contained in the rental contracts.



No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing that we have signed.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void.  A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement.  Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement.  To the extent permitted by law: (a) you waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions that we take against you that arise out of your breach of this Agreement; and (b) you release us from all liability  in connection with this rental or the reservation of a motorcycle. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions are valid and enforceable.





HR Italia – Noleggio Veicoli e Mobilità S.r.l. head office at in Via Novegro 49, 20090 Novegro (MI), rents the identified vehicle (motorcycle) through this rental agreement, under its specific terms and conditions and under the following terms and conditions.  

This document includes all terms and conditions of the rental agreement executed by the Rental Company and the Renter, and the latter should read it carefully. If the Renter does not understand any of the provisions contained by this document, he/she should request the concerning clarification to the assisting representative of the Rental Company.  


    1. Additional Mandatory Charges” means separately stated charges that we require you to pay to hire or lease the Motorcycle for the period of time to which the rental rate applies, and which are imposed by a governmental entity and specifically related to the operation of a rental vehicle business.  Additional Mandatory Charges include a customer facility charge, airport concession fee, tourism commission assessment, or other government-imposed taxes or fees.
    2. Agreement” means all terms and conditions in these Terms & Conditions, the “Rental Agreement,” the “Vehicle Condition Report,” the invoice, the Assumption of Risks and Release (“Release”), and any other addenda that we provide at the time of rental (and that you sign). 
    3. Authorized Driver” means a driver authorized to use the Motorcycle. Each Authorized Driver must: (i) have a valid driver’s license in the country of permanent residence that qualifies that person to operate a motorcycle with the same rating as the Motorcycle held for at least 3 years; (ii) be at least 21 years old for Honda PCX125 and BMW G310GS, 25 years for all the groups with less than 801cc, and 28 years for the remaining groups; and (iii) not to provide false information about your personal details and requirements for driving license. These conditions may change according to the motorcycle identified.
    4.  “Charges” means the fees and charges that are incurred under this Agreement.  All amounts expressed under this Agreement shall be payable in Euro. 
    5. CDW" means Collision Damage Waiver. 
    6. “TP” means Theft protection.
    7. Diminished Value” means the difference between the fair market value of the Motorcycle before damage or loss and its value after repairs as calculated by a third-party estimate obtained by us or on our behalf. 
    8.  “Loss of Use” means the loss of our ability to use a Motorcycle for our purposes because of Motorcycle damage or loss during a Rental Period, including use for rent, display for rental and all activities relating to the rental business.
    9. Motorcycle” or “Vehicle” means the motorcycle identified on the Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute for it, and all of its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, appliances, keys, and vehicle documents.
    10.  “Rental Period” means the period between the time you take possession of the Motorcycle until the Motorcycle is either returned to or recovered by us and checked in by us.
    11.  “Rental Portfolio” means a document available for your inspection at the rental location, which provides detailed information on the motorcycles available for rent and also includes an updated price list of daily rental rates and other fees (the “Price List”).  The Price List is subject to change.
    12. "You" or "your" means the individual identified as the “Renter” and any Authorized Driver
    13. "We", "our" or "us" means ??HR Italia – noleggio veicoli e mobilità S.r.l. , The Hertz Company has authorized us to use the name “Hertz Ride.”




  1. Driving License: Both the renter and any additional drivers must provide a valid, unexpired driver’s license for the class of motorcycle rented (including any necessary endorsements) in their name, held for at least 3 years. If your driver’s license is not issued in Europe, then you must also bring an international driving permit. Drivers need to be at least 21 years old for Honda PCX125 and BMW G310GS, 25 years for all the groups with less than 801cc, and 28 years for the remaining groups. These conditions may change according to the motorcycle identified.
  2. Identification: A passport or personal ID card is required
  3. Credit Card: The renter must have a credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD) in his or her own name when picking up the motorcycle (American Express, Dinners, prepaid credit card, charge card or cash cards will not be accepted).  At the time of rental, we will request an authorization (hold) on your credit card for the excess of the estimated rental charges plus Non-Waivable Excess (NWE) deposit/ guarantee.  The card must have enough available funds to cover the hold for the duration of the rental). We will also charge all additional charges, local fees, optional equipment that you rent or anything else that you purchase at the rental counter to the credit card at the time of rental.
  4. Reservation confirmation: The renter must present this Reservation Confirmation when picking up the motorcycle. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information.
  5. Roadside Assistance: You have available road assistant 24h in the original country. Please ask at desk for details.
  6. Payment Information: The booking of the motorcycle requires the payment by the Renter of monetary amount as a reserve deposit corresponding to 20% of the rental. The Rental Company reserves the right to make the availability of the motorcycle conditional to the effective demonstration by the Renter of the payment of the reservation deposit. The rental must be made within a maximum of 12 months from the date of reservation. Please note that ´Total Amount to pay on pick up’ will be charged in local currency. Any other currency displayed is for information purposes only.
  7. Extensions, Amendments, Cancellations and No-Shows: If you wish to extend or modify your rental after the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation, you must contact Hertz Ride directly at whether you have actually picked up the motorcycle or not. Extension or modification of your rental before the rental starts (i.e., before the pick-up date and time specified on this Reservation Confirmation) may only be arranged by sending Hertz Ride an e-mail at (  Please note that modifying your reservation may result in a change in your rental rate or additional or higher charges based on changes to the length of the rental or to the motorcycle type rented. If your scheduled pick-up time is less than 48 hours away and you wish to modify your booking, please call us at (+351 210 413 334). If the rental price changes due to modifications (e.g., pick-up or drop-off location, motorcycle group or length of rental), you will be charged at the current published price, which may be different or higher from the initial price booked. In addition, if the original reservation was subject to a promotional or discounted fee, you may no longer qualify for that fee, and the modified reservation may be at a substantially higher rate. You will not receive a credit or refund if you return the rented motorcycle earlier than the scheduled due-in date and time.
    1. Modifications: Modifications to reservations can only be made by email to our Contact Center through The estimated total charges will be recalculated based on the availability and prices at the time the modification is made. The total charges may be greater or lesser than the price originally booked. This policy applies to changes made to: Drop off location, pick up date and time, Drop off time and date, Motorcycle group, All other additional products
    2. Cancelations: If you wish to cancel your reservation, you must inform Hertz Ride in writing to before your rental is due to start - cancellation fees may apply. The payment made at the time of reservation is refundable only if the reservation is canceled at least 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date.
    3. No Shows: Hertz Ride reserves the right to refuse the motorcycle to any user who fails to arrive on time (including  a 30-minute “grace period”), fails to provide all the necessary documentation and/or information, fails to provide a credit card with enough available funds for the deposit; or if the driver show signs of being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance affecting his perception or reactions or otherwise appears unfit to operate the motorcycle. In such cases, unless the rental has been cancelled in advance, the renter will be considered a “no show” and will not be entitled to a refund. The prices are based on the pick-up and drop-off times and dates that the user arranges before the rental starts. If the user picks the motorcycle up any later or brings the motorcycle back any earlier, the user will not receive a refund for the unused hours or days.
  8. Extras: All extras extra, optional equipment and services, including GPS, Helmets, Communications system, and low seats, are subject to local availability and availability cannot be guaranteed.  (Ex: GPS, Helmets, Intercommunication System and Low seats).All extra optional equipment is provided “As-Is,” and you are responsible for ensuring that you understand how to use and/or install any of the optional equipment.
  9. Optional Special Damage Coverage: At the counter, costumer can opt to add additional coverage regarding damage responsibility. Please ask our Customer Sale Representative at the location about conditions to add these coverages
    1. SCDW – Medium coverage: If you purchase Super CDW, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 50% of the minimum waivable excess. Price varies between 19€ and 25€ per day, with a minimum of 5 days per rental.
    2. VIP SCDW – Top Coverage: If you purchase Super CDW VIP, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 75% of the minimum waivable excess. Price varies between 35€ and 39€ per day, with a minimum of 5 days per rental.


  1. This Agreement is a contract for the rental of the Motorcycle.  You may not transfer or assign your rights in this Agreement or your right to use the Motorcycle.
  2. You understand that we are not an affiliate, agent or franchisee of The Hertz Corporation (or any of its affiliates) (collectively “Hertz”).  We are an independently owned and operated company with a limited license from Hertz to use the name, “Hertz Ride” in connection with a motorcycle rental business in Europe. You further understand and agree that Hertz is not a party to this Agreement and has no obligations to you.  You further agree that you will not make any demands or pursue any claims against Hertz. 



The Renter acknowledges receiving the Motorcycle in good working and clean condition, including both tires, and agrees to return it to us in the same condition (with its keys, equipment, tools and/or accessories) at the location and on the date specified in the Rental Agreement.   

You are prohibited from modifying any technical features of the Motorcycle or its keys, equipment, tires, tools and/or accessories or from making any aesthetic change to the Motorcycle.  If you breach this provision, you will be responsible for all costs that we incur to restore the Motorcycle to its original status plus, to the extent permitted by law, consequential and incidental damages due to our inability to use the Motorcycle while it is being repaired.  

To the extent permitted by law: (a) we may repossess the Motorcycle at your expense without notice to you if it is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement; and (b) if the Motorcycle is not returned 48 hours after the date and hour return time as stipulated in the Rental Agreement, it will be considered embezzled or converted and may be reported to the police as stolen.  Failure to return the Motorcycle may constitute a crime punishable to the fullest extent provided under applicable law.



The minimum Rental Period is one day.A “day” is a 24-hour day beginning on the date and time noted on the Rental Agreement. If you return the Motorcycle more than 29 minutes after the scheduled return time, we reserve the right to charge you for an additional rental day at the applicable daily rate as shown on the Price List.If you wish to extend the scheduled Rental Period, you must request our express written authorization and pay for the estimated additional charges before the scheduled return time.Under no circumstances may the deposit be used as form of payment in case of extension of the rental agreement. If you fail to return the Motorcycle when due and continue to use it without our express authorization, we may terminate this Agreement, and you will have sole responsibility for the payment of any fines or penalties assessed against you, the Motorcycle or us due to the lack of updated documentation.



The daily rental rate, as well as the deposit amount, are determined by the Price List in effect when you sign this Agreement. The standard payment method is credit card.  Payment by cash or debit card requires our prior authorization and may be subject to additional conditions. If we authorize payment in cash, we reserve the right to request one or more credit cards of the Renter as guarantee.  You permit us to reserve against your payment card (or, if we choose, take a cash deposit) at the time of rental a reasonable amount in addition to the estimated total charges. We may use the reserve or deposit to pay all Charges. We will authorize the release of an excess reserve (or return of a cash deposit) at completion of your rental if no additional Charges are payable. Your payment card issuer’s rules will apply to crediting your account for any excess, which may not be immediately released by your card issuer.



Prices are indicated in Euros in our Price List in force at the time of signing the Rental Agreement. The Price List is available for consultation at the rental desk. The rental price including all items as indicated in point D of the "Definitions" is paid at the time of signing the Rental Agreement or in any case before the end of the rental period at the request of our Company. The rental price includes:


  1. Daily Rental Rate for the Rental Period, including an additional mileage fee if you exceed the daily mileage allowance indicated on the Rental Agreement Face Page;
  2. A mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with or disconnected;
  3. Fees for optional products, equipment, and services you purchased;
  4. Fuel and a refueling fee if you return the Motorcycle with less fuel than when rented;
  5. Expenses we incur locating and recovering the Motorcycle if you fail to return it or if we repossess it under the terms of this Agreement;
  6. All costs we incur enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;
  7. A reasonable cleaning fee as noted on the Price List to clean the Motorcycle if returned substantially less clean than when rented;
  8. A lost key fee if you lose the keys to the Motorcycle;
  9. A surcharge if you return the Motorcycle to a location other than the location where you rented the Motorcycle (“Drop Fee”) or if you do not return it on the date and time due as further described in Paragraph 2 above (“Late Fee”);
  10. Towing, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur from your use of the Motorcycle;
  11. Replacement cost of lost or damaged parts and supplies used in the Motorcycle accessories or optional equipment, such as helmets, intercom systems, lowered seats, or navigation systems; and
  12. The cost of obtaining replacement documents plus a reasonable administrative fee if you lose or damage any of the Motorcycle documents, including the vehicle registration.


There is no refund for late pick-up or early return.  If you use a credit card or other payment card issued by a bank or financial institution any currency conversion will be handled by the issuing bank.  All Charges are subject to our final audit.  If errors are discovered after the close of this transaction, you authorize us to correct the Charges with the payment card issuer. You must notify us of any disputes to the Charges no later than 30 days after your receipt of the invoice.



You must report all accidents or incidents of theft or vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. 

You are responsible for all damage to or loss or theft of the Motorcycle during the Rental Period, resulting from any cause, including damage or loss caused by collision, weather, vandalism, theft, road conditions and acts of nature.  Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical damage to the Motorcycle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Motorcycle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Motorcycle, less salvage; (ii) if we determine that the Motorcycle is repairable: (A) the difference between the value of the Motorcycle immediately before the damage and the value immediately after the damage; or (B) the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair plus Diminished Value; (b) Loss of Use, measured by multiplying your daily rental rate either by the actual or estimated number of days from the date the Motorcycle is damaged until it is replaced or repaired, which you agree represents a reasonable estimate of Loss of Use damages and not a penalty.  Loss of Use shall be payable regardless of fleet utilization; (c) a reasonable administrative fee, calculated based on the damage repair estimate as follows, which you agree is reasonable: €0-€250 damage=€50 fee; €251-€500 damage=€75 fee; €501-€750 damage=€100 fee; €751-€1500 damage=€150 fee; €1501-€2500 damage =€200 fee; over €2500 damage=€250 fee;; (d) towing, storage, and impound charges and other reasonable incidental and consequential damages; and (e) all costs associated with our enforcement of this Agreement.  You are responsible for loss or damage to the Motorcycle resulting from theft or vandalism related to the theft; you file an official report of the theft with the police within 24 hours of learning of the theft and you cooperate with us and the police in providing information regarding the theft; You are responsible for replacing missing equipment and Motorcycle documents and keys. You must report all Motorcycle accidents or incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police upon discovery.   



 a) In the event of any loss or damage to, theft or robbery of the Motorcycle or parts thereof while on rental, Renter shall pay Rental Company on demand the amount of all costs and losses including, without limitation, repair costs, depreciation, loss of renting revenues, towing and vehicle collection expenses, the amount established in our current tariff as the maximum non-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);

b) The Renter limits his or her responsibility under the terms set out below provided that he or she complies with the terms hereof and that the loss or damage has not been caused intentionally or by gross negligence of the Renter, by gross negligence of any authorised driver or by any unauthorised driver;

(i) Responsibility for any loss or damage caused to the Motorcycle (excluding theft and robbery) is limited to the total value of the maximum non-waivable excess established in Rental Company current price list. Should the Renter accept the Collision Damage Waiver (hereinafter CDW) by initialling the space provided for this purpose on the first page hereof and paying the daily fee specified for this purpose, he shall be solely held responsible for the stated in the agreement as the minimum non-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);

(ii) Responsibility for loss of, or damages to, the vehicle deriving from theft or robbery thereof is limited to the total value of the maximum non-waivable excess established in Rental Company current tariff. Should the Renter agree to subscribe the Theft Protection Waiver (hereinafter TP) by initialling the space provided for this purpose on the first page hereof and paying the daily fee specified for this purpose, he shall be solely held responsible for the amount established in Rental Company current price list as the minimum no-waivable excess (ask for price list at the counter);



By accepting CDW and TP, you will be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the motorcycle limited to the total value of non-waivable excess stablished in current price list.  We also offer “Super CDW”- medium coverage and “Super CDW VIP”- top coverage to the Motorcycle. If you purchase Super CDW, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 50% of the minimum waivable excess.  If you purchase Super CDW VIP, you will reduce your financial responsibility for collision damage, up to a maximum amount of 75% of the minimum waivable excess. Super CDW, and Super CDW VIP are not insurance, are optional, and may duplicate coverage under your own insurance policy or credit card. CDW, Super CDW, and Super CDW VIP do not apply to Optional Equipment we rent to you for use in the Motorcycle.CDW, Super CDW, Super CDW VIP also do not cover lost keys.  Your CDW, Super CDW, or Super CDW VIP will be invalidated, and we will not waive our right to hold you financially responsible for loss or damage to the Motorcycle  (i) that results from a Prohibited Use (defined in Paragraph 10 below) or (ii) if the loss or damage has been caused intentionally or by gross negligence of the Renter, by gross negligence of any authorised driver or by any unauthrorised driver.

In case of accident, loss, damage or theft, the police and the Rental Company must be informed within 24 hours. The Renter must fill the damage report together with the documentation of the motorcycle, and also undertakes to fill and sign at the closest station of the Rental Company the accident, loss, damage or theft report, otherwise the insurance is deemed as null and void. The Renter must cooperate with the Rental Company, the police and insurance company in any subsequent investigation or judicial proceedings, and inform immediately on any letters, summons and notices regarding the accident and provide full cooperation to the Rental Company and the insurance company during the investigation and defence of any claim or court case.

The Rental Company is under no obligation to provide a replacing motorcycle to the Renter, if the rented motorcycle is subject to accident or lost, damaged or stolen.


  1. Conditions of Use.  During the Rental Period:
    1. You must park the Motorcycle safely.  For example, when the Motorcycle is not in use, you must lock and block the steering wheel and keep all Motorcycle documents with you.
    2. You agree to use only fuel that meets the manufacturer’s specifications and regularly monitor oil and water levels, tire pressure, and any other basic systems of the Motorcycle.
    3. Only the person or persons identified and accepted as Authorized Drivers by the Rental Company are permitted to drive the Motorcycle. 
    4. You agree to comply with all laws applicable to your use of the Motorcycle, including those regulating helmets, protective eye and body gear, lane splitting, and other rules of the road.  You are responsible for knowing and understanding the laws of each jurisdiction in which you operate the Motorcycle.


  1. Prohibited Use.  The following uses of the Motorcycle or actions that you or another driver take (or fail to take) are considered “Prohibited Uses” of the Motorcycle.  Prohibited Uses are material breaches of this Agreement and include the following: 


  1. Use of the Motorcycle to:
  2. Transport of passengers or cargo for hire;
  3. Push or tow another motorcycle or any other object;
  4. Transport cargo for any unlawful purpose;
  5. Transport more than the maximum number of passengers specified by the manufacturer or applicable law, or to transport passengers who are riding in any position other on a seat designed for passenger use;
  6. Transport cargo in excess of the weight/quantity/volume specified by the manufacturer;
  7. Transport hazardous or dangerous materials;
  8. In furtherance of any illegal purpose or under any circumstance that would constitute a felony or other violation of law (other than a minor traffic violation);
  9. On unpaved roads;
  10. For Sports Events or Track Days;
  11. To transport an animal;
  12. For every maneuver prohibited by the Highway Code;
  13. Drive the Motorcycle outside of European Union without previous authorization of the Rental Company;
  14. For subleases or sub-rentals or to dispose of, mortgage, exercise a lien, sell or pledge as security the Motorcycle, equipment, tools and/or accessories and any part thereof, or use with the Motorcycle in such a manner that causes damage to us.
  15. To transfer the Motorcycle to any island without our prior written approval;
  16. To transfer the Motorcycle into any ferry. Should the customer use a ferry & there be an accident of any kind, you will be held responsible for all costs to repair and/or repatriate the Motorcycle. Even if you purchase Additional Coverage & choose to travel on a ferry, the coverage will be null & void.
  17. By any person:
  18. Who is not an Authorized Driver;
  19. Who does not have a valid license for operation of a motorcycle with the same rating as the Motorcycle;
  20. Whose driver’s license is suspended;
  21. Who is under the influence of prescription, non-prescription drugs or alcohol;
  22. Who obtained the Motorcycle or extended the Rental Period by giving us false, fraudulent, or misleading information; and
  23. Who is operating the Motorcycle while using a hand-held wireless communications device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in hands-free mode.




  1. Indemnification.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from all claims, demands, actions, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur (collectively “Claims”) resulting from, or arising out of, this rental and your use of the Motorcycle, or our repossession of it, including Claims resulting from or arising out of the carrying of any passengers on the Motorcycle.
  2. Handling Claims.  You must: (i) report all damage to us and all accidents or incidents to us and the police as soon as you discover them (but no later than 24 hours after the incident) and complete our incident report form, which is included with  the Motorcycle documents; (ii) provide us with a legible copy of any service of process, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Motorcycle; and (iii) cooperate with us, the police, and our insurance company in any subsequent investigation or legal proceedings. Coverage under the Policy may be void if you give the Motorcycle to an unauthorized driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report.  We are under no obligation to provide a replacement motorcycle to you if the rented Motorcycle is lost, damaged or stolen.



You are liable for paying charging authorities directly all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each a “Violation”) assessed against you, us or the Motorcycle during this rental. If we are notified by charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Violation, you agree that we may, in our sole discretion, transfer liability for any Toll or Violation assessed against the Motorcycle during the Rental Period to you personally.  If liability is transferred to you, we will charge you an administrative fee of up to €50 per Toll or Violation.  You authorize us to release your rental and billing information, including payment card information, to the charging authorities for processing/billing purposes.



We are not responsible for loss of or damage to personal property that was left with us or carried in or on the Motorcycle. If you fail to claim property left in the Motorcycle for more than 30 days, we may dispose of that property in a manner we choose.  To the extent permitted by law, You waive all claims against us, our agents and employees for loss of or damage to the personal property of you or another person, which we received, handled, or stored, or which was left or carried in or on the Motorcycle or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss of damage was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility.  The Motorcycle may be equipped with an infotainment system that permits you to pair your own mobile devices. If you choose to do so, please note that the Motorcycle may automatically load your address book, store your incoming, outgoing and missed telephone calls, and other information from your device.  You should follow the steps displayed on the motorcycle’s system screen to delete this information and the device from the Motorcycle’s memory.  We are not responsible for assuring the privacy of any such information, and cannot guarantee that other persons you do not authorize will gain access to this information after you return the Motorcycle



This Agreement is subject to Italian law. For any dispute deriving from or connected with the Rental Agreement and these General Conditions, the territorial jurisdiction is of the Court of Milan, with the express waiver of any other Court.

If the Charterer is a Consumer, for any dispute deriving from or connected with the Rental Agreement and these General Conditions, the territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the Italian State.



The Motorcycle may be equipped with global positioning satellite (GPS) technology or another telematics system, and/or an event data recorder (EDR). You acknowledge and authorize as per as point 17. PERSONAL INFORMATION and based on your personal consent that the use of this Motorcycle may be remotely monitored by us or on behalf of us through such systems to the extent permitted by law. This remote monitoring may include collection of Motorcycle data, such as: location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery state of charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements we may deem necessary.  To the extent permitted by law, we may disable the Motorcycle when we deem necessary, including if you breach this Agreement  These systems may use cellular communications, and you should have no expectation of privacy related to your use of this Motorcycle.  You agree to inform all drivers and passengers of the Motorcycle of the terms of this section, and that you have authorized release of information collected by GPS or other telematics system or EDR.  We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Motorcycle.  To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the GPS or other telematics system or EDR to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the GPS or other telematics system or EDR.


  1. Upon signing the Contract, the Renter must provide their personal data and the ones of the other driver(s) of the vehicle, for the purposes of identification, expressly authorising the Rental Company to process the data electronically.
  2. According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), the Rental Company informs that:                                                        
    1. The entity responsible for processing the personal data provided in the contract is HR Ride Portugal, SA, head office in Avenida Severiano Falcão 7-7A, 2689-522 Prior Velho;                                                         
    2. The main purpose of personal data processing is the conclusion and performance of this contract, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (b) from the GDPR;                                                
    3. Personal data may be transmitted to a third party in order to comply with any legal obligations to which the Rental Company is subject, pursuant to Article 6 (1) (c) from the GDPR, namely judicial authorities, criminal police, tax and customs authority and regulatory entities;
    4. Personal data may be processed for other purposes, regarding which the Charterer must give the Rental Company the express consent;
    5. The Rental Company will keep the personal data processed for the period of time necessary for the provision of services, billing and compliance with legal.
  3. The data subject has the right to, at any moment, access their personal data, as well as, within the contract and GDPR terms, to rectify them and object their processing, to decide in regard of automated processing, to withdraw consent, request erasure of personal data and exercise the rights provided in applicable law (except when the data is necessary for the performance of the contract and therefore, mandatory to provide, as well as for the compliance of legal obligations the Rental Company is subject).
  4. If the Renter withdraw his/her consent, it does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out until that moment.
  5. The data subject has the right to be notified, in accordance with the GDPR, in the event of a personal data breach which may result in a risk to their rights and freedoms and may submit a claim to the competent authority(ies).
  6. Personal data may be transmitted to third parties which provide services to the Rental Company, whenever these services require the transfer of information contained in the rental contracts.



No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing that we have signed.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void.  A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement.  Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement.  To the extent permitted by law: (a) you waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions that we take against you that arise out of your breach of this Agreement; and (b) you release us from all liability  in connection with this rental or the reservation of a motorcycle. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions are valid and enforceable.


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